API Docs


API documentation for our developer-first translation management platform


The Project Resources API is a simple RESTful API for accessing your i18nexus project data. This API is located at the following base URL:


By default, all read-only endpoints can be accessed by including your project API key in the request. For example:


For API endpoints that write project data, a Personal Access Token is required in the header of the request:

Authorization: Bearer YOUR_TOKEN

Tokens are created per user with a scope limited to that of the user's role on the project. They are created in a user's account settings in the i18nexus Dashboard:

Personal Access Token dropdown

Get translations for a specific language and namespace

Returns a JSON object of a project’s translations for a specified language and namespace.

Optionally include param confirmed=true to retrieve only your confirmed translations

GET /project_resources/translations/:language_code/:namespace.json
    "welcome": "Welcome to my app!",
    "goodbye": "Thanks for using my app!"

Get translations for all namespaces in a specific language

Returns a JSON object of a project’s translations for all namespaces for a single language.

Optionally include param confirmed=true to retrieve only your confirmed translations

GET /project_resources/translations/:language_code.json
  "my-first-namespace": {
      "welcome": "Welcome to my app!",
      "goodbye": "Thanks for using my app!"
  "my-second-namespace": {
      "greeting": "How are you?"

Get all translations

Returns a nested JSON object of all project translations for all languages and namespaces.

GET /project_resources/translations.json
    "en": {
        "my-first-namespace": {
            "welcome": "Welcome to my app!",
            "goodbye": "Thanks for using my app!"
        "my-second-namespace": {
            "greeting": "How are you?"
    "es-MX": {
        "my-first-namespace": {
            "welcome": "¡Bienvenido a mi aplicación!",
            "goodbye": "¡Gracias por usar mi aplicación!"
        "my-second-namespace": {
            "greeting": "¿Cómo estás?"

Get versions

Returns a collection of a project’s exported versions ordered from newest to oldest.

By default the latest 10 versions will be returned, but this can be adjusted using the optional limit query parameter.

GET /project_resources/versions.json?limit=10
    "collection": [
            "created_at": 1631402817503,
            "description": "My version description",
            "download_url": "https://cdn.i18nexus.com/versions/1/translations.zip",
            "id": "c3ee93c5-66c8-487d-8cbb-0e6109550f35",
            "key_separation": true,
            "languages": ["en","es-MX"],
            "namespaces": ["my-first-namespace", "my-second-namespace"],
            "version_number": 1

Get namespaces

Returns a collection of a project’s namespaces.

GET /project_resources/namespaces.json
    "collection": [
            "id": "c3ee93c5-66c8-487d-8cbb-0e6109550f35",
            "title": "common",
            "created_at": 1631402817503,
            "id": "77915b03-496d-4c48-83c0-cece670ff5b3",
            "title": "homepage",
            "created_at": 1633402920418

Get languages

Returns a collection of a project’s languages.

GET /project_resources/languages.json
    "collection": [
            "name": "English",
            "full_code": "en",
            "language_code": "en",
            "country_code": null,
            "google_translate_code": "en",
            "base_language": true
            "name": "Spanish",
            "full_code": "es",
            "language_code": "es",
            "country_code": null,
            "google_translate_code": "es",
            "base_language": false

Writing Translations (Advanced)

Almost all i18nexus users prefer using the following APIs through the i18nexus-cli, where each request is wrapped in a simple command. Direct access to the following APIs is meant for teams who want to integrate i18nexus into their own management systems and workflows.

Reminder: Write APIs are only authorized using Personal Access Tokens.

Create a new string

Creates a new string in your project’s base language, and creates machine translations for each of your project’s languages.


The key of the string to create
The value of the string to create
The details of the string to create
Instructions or context for AI machine translator
The namespace in which to create the string

Example Request Body:

POST /project_resources/base_strings.json
    "key": "welcome_msg",
    "value": "Welcome to my app!",
    "details": "Appears in the home page header.",
    "ai_instructions": "Make it informal and keep it less than 5 words"
    "namespace": "homepage"

Update an existing string

Updates a string’s key, value, details, and/or namespace.


An object containing the key and namespace of the string to update
The new key
The new value
The new details
Instructions or context for AI machine translator
The namespace in which to move the string
Required if updating the value of the string and the string contains confirmed translations. Determines whether or not to reset the values of confirmed translations with machine translations of the new value.

Example Request Body:

In this example we are changing the key and the value of the string with key notifications in namespace common.

PATCH /project_resources/base_strings.json
    "id": {
        "key": "notifications",
        "namespace": "common"
    "key": "notifications.alert",
    "value": "You have a new notification!",
    "reset_confirmed": true

Delete a string

Deletes a string and its associated translations in your project.


An object containing the key and namespace of the string to delete

Example Request Body:

In this example we are deleting the string with key notificiations.alert from namespace common.

DELETE /project_resources/base_strings.json
    "id": {
        "key": "notifications.alert",
        "namespace": "common"

Import strings from JSON

Imports a block of JSON key-value pairs into your project. This is the equivalent of using the Import tool in the Strings Management page.


JSON block of strings with language codes as the keys (see example request body below)
The namespace to import into
If importing any translation strings (strings for a language that is not the project base language), mark them "confirmed" in i18nexus (default: false)
If any keys already exist in the target namespace, overwrite the values with the imported values (default: false)

Example Request Body:

In this example we are importing strings into our project’s common namespace for English (en) and Spanish (es).

You do not have to include all of your projects’ languages in your request, only the ones you wish to update.

POST /project_resources/import.json
    "namespace": "common",
    "confirm": true,
    "overwrite": true
    "languages": {
        "en": {
            "welcome_msg": "Welcome to my app!",
            "sign_in": "Sign In",
            "sign_out": "Sign out",
            "notifications": {
                "alert": "You have a new notification!"
        "es": {
            "welcome_msg": "¡Bienvenido a mi aplicación!",
            "sign_in": "Iniciar sesión",
            "sign_out": "Desconectar",
            "notifications": {
                "alert": "¡Tienes una nueva notificación!"

Create a new namespace

Adds a new namespace to your project


The title of the namespace to create

Example Request Body:

POST /project_resources/namespaces.json
    "title": "common"

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It only takes a few minutes to streamline your translations forever.

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